Act, learn, fix and repeat.
Reporting is the master tool to know what happened with your campaign delivery and either fix a problem or enhance what is already working great. With extensive reporting parameters as unique location data per impact, multidimensional report building and analysis algorithms you will be able to build an amazing reporting experience not only for show off but for internal learning and usage as well.

When it comes to performance, artificial intelligence and CPA goals are the main role players here. State of the art algorithms that automatically optimize your campaigns based on your objective parameters combined with human intelligence will bring the best ROI for you and your clients.

Serving campaigns not only means showing your ads in someone’s phone. It also means harvesting a lot of data, a rough diamond that needs to be polished. You can build, analyze and use this data internally to potentiate the capabilities of your future campaigns, thus generating and growing an exponential powerful audience.
Pricing is the ultimate metric that everyone is looking for to be the lowest value possible. In the end it comes down to your campaign options and needs. Nevertheless, our algorithms and constant checking for supply that meets our quality standards with the best price at your disposal is never ending.